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Welcome to the Ithan Elementary School Library!

All Ithan Elementary students receive 50 minutes of library instruction each six day cycle. The library curriculum is aligned with the Pennsylvania Core State Standards and follows the RTSD Board approved Pennsylvania School Librarians Association Model Curriculum. Our three main units of study are Library Citizenship (including Reading), Digital Citizenship, and Research.  The RTSD libraries utilize the Common Sense Education curriculum for instruction in Digital Citizenship.

Meet the Librarian

Candace Meshey

Candace Meshey


My name is Mrs. Meshey, and I am the librarian at Ithan Elementary School. I have been teaching for fifteen years! I started my teaching career in kindergarten but made a change to library in 2019. I have a daughter named Riley and a westie named Indiana Jones, but “Indie” is her nickname. These two take me on many adventures in my free time. 

Some fun things about me:  

I love to read, garden, bird watch, and hike. 

I am an Arsenal and Flyers fan. 

I love to make cupcakes and cookies (Mrs. Daw’s is my test taster). 

My favorite season is fall and I absolutely love all things Halloween.  

Some of my favorite things to read

Thrillers, mysteries, and ghost stories (although the ghost stories scare me…eek).  

I look forward to getting to know all the different genres you like to read and helping you find all the wonderful books in the library.  

Happy Reading!  

Library Staff

Maureen Daws

Library Secretary

Candace Meshey

3 students holding certificates in the school library

Library Schedule

Birthday Book Program

Why not honor your child's birthday with a lasting gift? The Birthday Book Program offers an opportunity to celebrate your child’s birthday and make a contribution to the library book collection. For a cost of $20, your child will choose a new hard cover, age appropriate, book pre-selected for the program. 

Special recognition will be given to your student in Library class during their birthday month and a bookplate will be placed inside the front cover of the book with the child's name and birthday. The child being honored will enjoy being the first to borrow the Birthday Book, and students for years to come will enjoy seeing their friend’s name inside the book. Participation is optional.

Celebration books may be presented to the library for other reasons besides birthdays. Perhaps your child learned to ride a bike this summer or earned a new scouting rank. Grandparents or other relatives may also contribute books in a child's honor.

To participate, simply complete the form below and return with your check to the Ithan Elementary School Library for $20, made payable to "IES Library Clearing Fund."

Birthday Book Form

Online Resources for Students

PowerKids Logo
Noodletools logo
PebbleGo Logo
World Book Online logo

Digital Citizenship Curriculum

The RTSD Library Curriculum utilizes research-based lessons adapted from the Common Sense Media curriculum.

Listed below, you will find lessons covered in your child's library classes. Please be sure to review the content and objectives of each lesson in order to continue our Digital Citizenship dialogue at home. The entire scope and sequence can be found by visiting the Common Sense Media website.

Accessing eBooks

Ithan students LOVE eBooks!  Students, teachers and Ithan families can now check out eBooks from any device.  eBooks are electronic books that can be read on a computer, web enabled phone, or tablet.  The Ithan Library has three eBook collections in development that you may access now.

eBooks for K-5th Grade

You may access eBooks for younger readers by searching in Destiny (our library catalog).  

There is a link to Destiny on the main library page (choose "Ithan Elementary School".

When you are searching, be sure to select "electronic books" from the Material Type menu.  

To open and read a book, students click on the "open" button.  These books may be checked out in unlimited frequency by our readers.  

Electronic books are most easily opened if students are logged in to Destiny.  Click on login (upper right corner).  Username is the student's lunch number. Password is the last name.