Our School
Welcome to Ithan Elementary School!
Ithan Elementary School is one of three elementary schools in Radnor Township School District. The school serves students in grades K-5 that live within a specific boundary.
Established 1963
471 Students (as of December 6, 2021)
24 Classrooms
Ranked #1 Elementary School in PA by Niche.com
Ithan School Song
Sung to the tune of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
Ithan Elementary School
We come to learn and play.
Making friends and having fun
and helping everyone
Ithan is caring every day.
Ithan is caring, building heart and mind.
Teaching responsibility, working to be kind
We strive to find empathy and self control.
Growing up from kindergarten to fifth grade our common goal.
Ithan Elementary School
We come to learn and play.
Making friends and having fun and helping everyone
Ithan is caring every day (Repeat)
Today at Ithan
Daily Schedule
Each day, students in all grades participate in the following:
- Four core subjects (reading/literacy, math, social studies and science)
- A daily special (library, music, art, gym, wellness, and STEM)
- A 25-minute lunch and 25-minute recess
- 50-minutes of MTSS to receive support, interventions, enrichment, music lessons and other services if needed
The School Day
- 8:52 a.m. Student Drop-Off Begins
- Note: Students eating breakfast at school may enter through the main office at 8:45 a.m.
- 8:55 a.m. Students Enter Building
- 9:05 a.m. School Day Begins
- 3:40 p.m. School Day Ends
- 3:40 p.m. Car Pick-Up Dismisses
- 3:45 p.m. Bus Dismissal Begins
For more information on student arrival and dismissal procedures, view the Elementary School Parent/Guardian Handbook.
Upcoming Events
Contact Ithan
Address: 695 Clyde Rd., Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Phone: 610-527-1357
Fax: 610-527-0459